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In 1903 a colony
of "homeseekers," headed by a group of
Methodist ministers in Kentucky, formed a corporation
called the "Kentucky, Oklahoma, Indian Territory and
Adjacent States Land and Townsite Co." and sold
stock in the company throughout the state of Kentucky.
The purpose of the group was to locate and promote a
townsite in Oklahoma Territory where Methodist ministers
could purchase lots or acreage surrounding the town and
retire. However, the corporation attracted other
investors who were not connected solely with the
Methodist church, and the mission of the group changed to
a central theme of promoting a new town in Oklahoma
Davenport was
incorporated as a town in 1906 and was named after the
postmaster, Nettie Davenport.
The main street of
Davenport is paved with bricks manufactured at the
Davenport Brick Plant, which ceased operation in 1930.
Local historical
locations include the Kenton Gold Mine Cave, located on
private property on the Sporleder farm north of town,
where reportedly the mineral found was assayed at $18.00
per thousand, much less than the amount needed to
continue mining; Davenport Cemetery on Highway 66, which
contains one of the best examples of the work of the
Works Progress Administration (WPA)--a beautiful native
stone stone chapel; Gobbler's Knob--the high hill a mile
northwest of town, which is the highest point in Lincoln
County (It derives its name from early pioneer days in
the 1890's when there was a large population of wild
turkeys in the area.) The Jessamine Hotel on Broadway in
downtown Davenport is constructed of concrete blocks that
were made by the Davenport Concrete Block Factory in 1906-07
to simulate rough cut stone. The Tipton home on the east
edge of town was built in the late 1920's and is symbolic
of the oil boom days.
Today, the largest
local employer in Davenport is Central Oklahoma Telephone
Co., an independent telecommunications firm that is
headquartered in Davenport and serves seven other towns in
the area with phone service and Internet services. Many local residents commute
daily to jobs in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. A large portion
of the local work force is employed in neighboring
Chandler at the National American Insurance Company and
the Hiland Dairy.
Davenport is a
Capital Improvement Planning city.
Nettie Davenport Day, Alumni Parade, and Alumni
May 10, 2008
-- This will be the 32nd Annual Nettie Davenport Day sponsored by the
Chamber of Commerce to highlight the community's heritage with prize
drawings sponsored by all local businesses, all kinds of children's bike
& trike races, other games and contests, an arts & crafts show,
live musical entertainment, and recognition of youngest and oldest
persons present, couple married the longest and mother with most
children present. 2008 will mark the 87th Annual Davenport High
School Alumni Reunion. Many individual class reunions are held, and an
annual parade, which always has more than 70 entries entered including
classes riding in decorated floats, is held that afternoon. (The parade
is thought to be the only one of its kind that goes down brick-paved
Broadway Ave., makes a u-turn and comes back up Broadway, so everyone in
the parade also gets to see the other parade entries. It stems
from days when dragging up and down Main was the popular thing to do.)
Prizes are awarded to the best floats, and a large banquet, usually
attended by more than 400, is held in the gymnasium that evening where
many traditional events are held and awards presented for oldest alumna
present and graduate coming longest distance, etc., and a college
scholarship is awarded to a DHS graduating senior.

Community Fair
August 22 - 23, 2008 -- 57th Annual Davenport Community Fair -- the oldest
continuous community fair held in Lincoln County -- is a three-day event
featuring livestock entries of local school youths and adults in the
area, as well as home crafts entered by all ages. The event
climaxes with events that include a parade of champions with trophies awarded
for top fair entries. The fairgrounds are located three blocks
west of Broadway at the end of 2nd Street.
Route 66 Open Car Show
Sept. 20, 2008 -- It will
be the 10th Annual Davenport Open Car Show that features entries of
classic and antique collector autos and trucks ranging from the 1910s to
the 1990s, entered in 15 categories of competition. Entrants come from
all over Oklahoma and other neighboring states. Door prizes, an arts and
crafts show, and musical entertainment help make the event a fun one for
all involved. Many prizes are given away by the local chamber of
commerce. It is held in the shady grove of native oak trees in
North Park at 10th and Broadway on Historic Route 66.

Christmas Parade
Dec. 13, 2008 -- An annual
tradition in Davenport dating back to the post World War II era when the
event was called a "Christmas party". Decorated floats
with cash prizes awarded by the chamber add interest to the parade which
is always brought up in the rear by Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus who are
escorted by Davenport's Volunteer Fire Dept. and all of its units.
More than 400 sacks of treats are distributed by the chamber to children
and senior citizens every year, and all businesses in the community give
away more than 20 free prizes in drawings held after the parade.
The Christmas parade is held along Broadway.
Last Modified 10/20/2007